
Small Sizes

Small Sizes

 Small-format photo prints on real color silver photo paper produced on a Fuji Frontier imager.
Ideal for your test prints, private photos and/or your large-volume photos (portraits, weddings, school photos, etc.)!

Gamut Large Gamut
Resolution 300 DPI Resolution
Standard sizes Standard sizes
Max width 30 cm Max width
Permanency Permanency

Choose your media

Classic Photo Papers

PICTO Online

Satin RC Paper 250g

Vivid colors and pure whites for this classic Fuji photo satin paper

Fuji | Grammage : 250g | Width : 30 cm | Dmax: 2.3

ProfileDownload ICC profile

10 × 15.2 cm at €0.42

PICTO Online

Glossy RC Paper 250g

Vivid colors and pure whites for this classic photo paper

Fuji | Grammage : 250g | Width : 30 cm | Dmax: 2.3

ProfileDownload ICC profile

10 × 15.2 cm at €0.42

Real dimensions of the small-format photo prints corresponding to the standard sizes


Format Dimension
8 x 10 cm 8,25 x 10,2 cm
10 x 15 cm 10 x 15,2 cm
13 x 18 cm 12,7 x 18 cm
A5 15 x 21 cm
18 x 24 cm 17,8 x 24 cm
A4 21 x 29,7 cm
24 x 30 cm 24 x 30 cm
30 x 40 cm 30 x 40 cm

Ratio 3:2

Format Dimension
10 x 15 cm 10 x 15,2 cm
13 x 19,5 cm 12,7 x 19,5 cm
15 x 22,5 cm 15,2 x 22,5 cm
18 x 27 cm 17,8 x 27 cm
20 x 30 cm 20 x 30 cm
24 x 36 cm 24 x 36 cm
30 x 45 cm 30 x 45 cm

Ratio 4:3

Format Dimension
11 x 15 cm 11 x 15,2 cm
13 x17 cm 12,7 x 17 cm
15 x 20 cm 15,2 x 20 cm
18 x 24 cm 17,8 x 24 cm
21 x 28 cm 21 x 28 cm
24 x 32 cm 24 x 32 cm
30 x 40 cm 30 x 40 cm


Format Dimension
10 x 10 cm 10,2 x 10,2 cm
13 x 13 cm 12,7 x 12,7 cm
15 x 15 cm 15,2 x 15,2 cm
18 x 18 cm 17,8 x 17,8 cm
20 x 20 cm 20 x 20 cm
24 x 24 cm 24 x 24 cm
30 x 30 cm 30 x 30 cm


Format Dimension
A5 15 x 21 cm
A4 21 x 29,7 cm
A3 29,7 x 42 cm

Ratio 5:4

8 x 10 cm 8,25 x 10,2 cm
24 x 30 cm 24 x 30 cm
A4 21 x 29,7 cm

Panoramic 2:1

10 x 20 cm 10,2 x 20 cm
13 x 26 cm 12,7 x 26 cm
15 x 30 cm 15,2 x 30 cm

Panoramic 3:1

Format Dimension
13 x 39 cm 12,7 x 39 cm
15 x 45 cm 15,2 x 45 cm

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